Community Report #1 | 2019.10

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5 years ago

Community Report #1 | 2019.10

Our dev team has been working on quite a few important updates lately so we've decided it might be a good idea to keep everyone up to date via a bit more regular dev updates.

As you know the biggest change in the last few months was the fact we successfully replaced our old hosting provider with a brand new one which gave quite the boost to our public servers.

However the work didn't stop there. Took us some time but as of today we have deployed in production our fully automated public servers workflow. What that means is we no longer depend on manual update of the Arma 3 servers and manual deployment of the mission files after we've done any changes. The in-house software we've developed takes care of all that and more.

The software does the updating in case of Arma 3 update, automatically deploys the latest changes to the mission file from our git repository to the server on next restart cycle, enforces the server restart schedules and recovers the server in case of any crashes.

On top of all that we've managed to launch our Patreon campaign and so far we're amazed by the crazy amount of support we've received. It is greatly appreciated!

As per popular request we've made a list of all the in-game skins that are available as donator perks.
More info in this forum topic:

We've also done many smaller bug fixes and tweaks that can be found on the designated forum topic.

There is much more to come in the coming months so stay tuned!

Best regards,
77th JSOC's Development Team
Image Col. Knight
Commanding Officer (CO) | Image High Command | Image Head of Development
"Adapt & Overcome."


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5 years ago

Looking good. Automation is always a positive thing. Let me know if you guys need more money/support on patreon to keep the development on track.
Can someone tell Maredea to put on a vest?
Coyote 1-3 Marksman
Image Pvt. Maredea

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