Community Report #4 | 2020.03 - 6th Anniversary Edition

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4 years ago

Community Report #4 | 2020.03 - 6th Anniversary Edition

Attention soldiers!

As most of you already know yesterday was our 6th birthday as a unit, so happy birthday to us! :)
With that being said we've decided to bring a lot of goodies for all of us to enjoy.

Hopefully a lot of people had fun on the special event last night and we'll be announcing soon the winners of it (Special thanks to all Zeuses, members, ambassadors and players involved).
Outside of that, the most noticeable change is the launch of our new website page and the change to our forum look to match accordingly, if you haven't seen it yet check HERE.
Another rather large milestone we've reached is the great results we've had testing our new dedicated server hardware for the public servers.
The gameplay impact has been extremely pleasing even though we're still in the process of evaluating and tweaking the AI difficulty (now that it actually gets processed as it should ;)). Since yesterday the new hardware is also officially launched and no longer in the testing phase.
We took advantage of the hardware test and we did a number of fixes and optimizations to our central management software along with updating our anti-cheat for the public servers which will guarantee a lot smoother runtime.
Last but not least we've kept a very rapid pace on the bug fixes and tweaks we've pushed to both servers on a regular basis (check the changelogs for more info).

Once again we would like to extend our sincere and warm thanks to all of our Patreons without which none of this would even be possible.
Thank you very much!

It's almost certain we might have missed something to list but we think everyone can agree we've been through quite the ride last few months with so many amazing changes, improvements and fixes all across the community.

May we have at least six more birthdays to celebrate and thank you all for being a part of this great community!
77th JSOC's Development Team
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4 years ago

Happy 6th Anniversary!

I'm personally loving the new AI and hardware upgrades so far and looking for more future suggestions and tweaks to come (along with some hidden eggs and secrets left to explore). Hoping to see you all for the future ahead!

Sadly I missed the Event by 3 hours as I was told somewhere that it was a two-day event and was joining in slowly. Oh well next time then.
"In the face of adversity, we unleash the might of freedom...
With thunderous firepower and the sound of victory echoing in our wake."

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