Community Report #5 | 2020.05

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4 years ago

Community Report #5 | 2020.05

Attention soldiers!

It's this time again for our somewhat of a monthly development report. :)
We haven't been able to post an update last month due to the amount of work that had to be done including wrapping up our latest recruitment cycle which will be officially over this Saturday (Good luck to all the recruits!).

To begin the recap we're extremely happy we've managed to successfully finish the restructure of our development team to include both our public and private aspects along with other needs of our community. We would like to give a warm welcome to our newest additions and thank our existing developers for their great work. You can check our development roster HERE.
With that being said we've done a number of awesome bug fixes and we've implemented a few new features the last month or so to our public servers. We've been able to address a lot of standing issues and tweak a bunch of parameters as to our player base's feedback (HERE).

As a bit of continuation from our previous report, we've been working hard on fixing whatever bugs we've managed to find or were reported by members and players for our newly launched website and our re-styled forums. In addition to that we've also launched under the radar our 77th JSOC StreamCom v.1.0 platform which was meant to serve as a proof of concept for the new home of our community streamers (HERE). This along with our changes to the development team is to manifest our effort to enhance our streaming experience and increase the amount of video content we produce. By the time we post our next development update, we should have a lot more information to present on this topic so stay tuned.

It has been almost 2 months since we've launched our new dedicated server hardware for our public servers and the results so far have been astonishing. Compared to the virtual servers we've used in the past the server-side FPS boost is easily 10x. However in our never-ending effort to bring our players better and better gameplay experience we're once more embarking on a test for even better server hardware. Starting today we'll be testing a new dedicated server and since the popular request lately has been that we bring another server to accommodate for the always full EU1 and EU2. We've decided to metaphorically kill two birds with one stone and for the duration of the test to introduce our EU3 I&A public server.
The server, for now, will be running on Altis and you can find it here: or the in-game browser under 77th JSOC - EU3.

We understand we might be repeating ourselves but as this is extremely important to us we'll do it again and extend our sincere and warm thanks to all of our Patreons without which none of this would be possible.
Thank you very much!

At this point, it goes without saying that we might have missed adding something to this list but it's hard to keep track of it all. :D

We'll see you on the battlefield!
77th JSOC's Development Team
Image Col. Knight
Commanding Officer (CO) | Image High Command | Image Head of Development
"Adapt & Overcome."


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