About recruitment

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7 years ago

The 77th JSOC have two sections, one public and one private.

Anyone owning a copy of arma 3 is allowed to play on our public servers within the environment we set up for the players.

On our public servers and on the 77th JSOC private modded server we strive to promote tactical gameplay, the public server is running a mission file able to provide the base for a good co-operative experience.

To increase the level of immersion for the private side we run a heavily modified server with equipment and tactics mainly from the US army. The experience is enhanced by custom missions and storyline driven campaigns created by our own mission makers.

Anyone playing on our public servers feeling the need for an increased military aspect and a higher level of immersion in their gameplay are welcome to apply to become a part of the 77th JSOC. To this end we have special recruitment events, these are done on a regular basis with the aim to help us maintain a healthy size of active members for the private missions.

The recruitment cycles are not scheduled and have no fixed dates, they are done when the unit is in need of an increase of members.
The start of a recruitment cycle will be announced on our social media platforms, our webpage, forum and teamspeak. Players interested in joining the 77th JSOC are advised to keep track of these updates to prevent them missing a recruitment cycle.

To be eligible to apply for the 77th JSOC a couple of criterias needs to be met by the applicant, these are as follows:
  • Working mic
  • Minimum age of 17 years
  • Understand and speak english
  • Minimum 3 month of experience on our public servers
  • Arma 3 Apex DLC
“Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.”

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